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New "NBA" Strategy Empowers

              Community Affairs & Engagement

                   Community Service Officers

                      School Resource Officers

                      Youth Detention Centers


Law Enforcement, Safety Providers and Peace Keepers do the job for society that is both lauded & scorned, appreciated & disrespected and rewarded & punished at the same times for responding to emergencies and upholding civil rights for us all. As the pressures and setbacks in life cause many to behave and react in more violent and aggressive ways, safety providers are being asked to respond with more understanding of human nature in making split-second judgment calls when keeping the peace or handling life or death situations. A New offensive resource tool is needed, one that now relies more on brain to outwit sass and braun.

Here's how Climb Up Gear & Media helps

our heroic public servants via our "NBA"

NeuroCognitive BAT

(Behavior and Attitude) Adjustment Strategy.


  It's all about prevention and early     intervention.    Utilizing the  modules and excerpted curriculum      from the acclaimed book  "Revealing The                  Excellence Within," SROs and CSOs are now            armed with character-building behavior affecting    tools and  materials specifically designed to be        fun, engaging and cool.

 CUPGM has devised a youth engagement program that subtly  and imperceptibly utilizes cognitive neuroscience principles  to thwart negative destructive behavior and attitudes in  school settings and community engagement opportunities.

 Specifically, we utilize the 12 Cornerstone Character Traits in   a "gift card" fashion that promotes and rewards immediate  wholesome behavior. Distributed exclusively by CSOs and  SROs, the Trait Card sends them to the website for At-Home  study and activities--allowing for the chance to have a  similar positive effect on the entire household.


 They are super motivated to complete all 12 Character Trait  Modules to receive the coolest, most awesome personal  achievement reward--a Diploma and "Brag Plaque" that  commemorates and showcases the life changing milestone  accomplishment. This Neuroscientific Program will change  the  perception and interaction dynamic with CSOs and SROs  immediately and effectively. It also adds critical support to  schools, teachers, parents, households and neighborhoods as  improved behavior and attitudes are displayed/adjusted. 

Community Policing and Engagement




Thankful Parents

Interactive Materials

for School Police and Resource Officers.

With Climb UP, it's more than safety, it's caring.

Cops Have A Heart Too
Cops are just people

We Care To Serve And Protect You,

Your Rights And Your Property

                                                       LAW ENFORCEMENT'S NEW COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT "NBA" STRATEGY 

CUPGM provides perhaps the most comprehensively engaging crime prevention and mitigation resource that fully utilizes the power and inclusiveness of Neuroscientific BAT Adjustment. Working with The Mayor, Police Chief, School Superintendant and the Community, CUPGM provides its Neuro Toolset to effect undesirable behavior by rewarding the strengthening of character development in youths of all backgrounds and other adult members of the entire household. Contact us to get more information about this neuro strategy game changer. 

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