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It's Time: Make School New Again

“RE” Presenting School To America

Present Situation

Weapons & Violence in Schools

Bad Behavior in Classes

Bullying in Schools

Rudeness and Antics Disrupting Classrooms

Lack of Academic Focus and Preparation


In every major statistical academic category, globally, America's students no longer rank among the top 10 Countries. (Math, Science, Reading, Grammar)

Growth industries sure to determine future global economic leadership will be technology dependent and based. It is dire and critical that we reignite passion and inspire America's youth to dramatically improve their academic performance at the elementary, and high school levels (K-12).

Short and Mid-Term Industry Outlook

National Economic Security Danger due to lack of American skilled workers.

Climb UP Gear & Media (CUPGM) is making an appeal, with the spirit of Making America Great Again, to “RE” Present School and the wonderful role it plays—uniquely in the lives of America's youth. Of course Education's value has always been known. But, we find ourselves now—326 years later, at a point where school is viewed and considered by too many as: (A) A necessary or forced action;

(B) Just a daily place to go or (C) Glorified baby-sitting—parents have to work.

We must change the perception and psychology of school in the mind of America. School must be re-presented in its new light—it's the cool and happening place to be! CUPGM, herewith its appeal, presents a conceptual plan to MAKE SCHOOL NEW AGAIN!

In redressing the perception of school, we revive the value and importance of school in the lives of youth. Uniquely in America, school alone can transform your life. Simply going to school and focusing on getting good grades will guarantee a better adult life. Any negative or depressed situation in which a youngster finds themselves, simply by focusing on getting good grades, when they graduate from high school, life will dramatically and quickly change for the better—guaranteed!

In no other country is this more the case than in the United States of America.

Another Answer To Violence & Bullying and...

Without a doubt! Along with the metal detectors and armed SRO personnel and bullet proof doors & backpacks, a mindset change is most critically needed. In transforming schools to the cool, happening place to be, students will begin to cherish the opportunity and appreciate the value of school—thereby effecting an immediate, dramatic improvement to the Present Situation.

CUPGM Proposes A Student Stimulus Plan

America's present K-12 Education Model began in 1692 and that was 326 years ago. Life was a lot slower 326 years ago. Respect for teachers and authority figures was a given. Parents enforced good behavior and getting good grades at school. Now it's 2018 and life isn't so slow and innocent. Everything about life and it's impact on people—kids in particular, is stressful and fast-paced. But, K-12 keeps trudging along and too many kids are disengaged or just “going through the motions” due to apathy. America's Short and Mid-Term Industry Outlook is falling out of sight. With all the tumult and fervent passions surrounding safety and wage issues, now is the time to press onward for America's Educational Rebirth. We (CUPGM) supercharge America's Elementary & High School Students by re-packaging present capabilities with a fun, inspiring marketing campaign.

Student Stimulus Plan Highlights

Elementary School (grades 3-8) Construct a Speed Lane*

2 opportunities to advance to the next grade {4th - 5th and 7th - 8th}

High School Graduates with a 3.25 G.P.A. Or better, receive free* tuition at a

2-year Jr. College for a Trade or Tech Associates Degree or Certification.

Education Pep Rallies that “Pump It Up” for Education at schools all across America. Give-aways for kids with improving grades and behavior. Parents and guardians welcome.

Inspiring Students, The White House and First Lady Causes

America looks to the President in times of crisis. All 3 component pieces of our school model are in critical need of a morale boost and a renewed & dedicated purpose. This is a cause—due to its national impact and severity, that White Houses Past have lead public relations campaigns to effect action and uplift.

Lady Bird Johnson led the effort to cleanup neighborhoods and highways which led to the Highway Beautification Act in 1965. Betty Ford is renowned for her work and Clinic to reduce the stigma of alcoholism. In the 1980s Nancy Reagan implored America's youth to Just Say No to drug abuse. Eleanor Roosevelt helped create the UN Charter on Human Rights. Obesity is another problem our youth battle and Michelle Obama rallied the children to exercise with the Let's Move campaign. If we go back to the Depression era we find that First Lady Lou Henry Hoover was an active leader with the Girl Scouts of America.

First Lady Melania Trump has shown her caring concern for the well-being of children and her BE BEST Campaign puts words to action.

The Make School New Again (MSNA) Campaign is a rallying call. It's not just a trumpet sounding but an orchestra playing. MSNA activities will involve local efforts already underway desperately trying to change the Present Situation.


Because it's an exciting RE-Presentation Of School with all its new wonderful benefits and irresistible value. It galvanizes and enables a unified, focused objective combining the efforts of scores of millions of Americans—all working together for a common cause...the Cause of American Industry.

MSNA will inspire improved academic performance and behavior from students.

MSNA reaches every person in every household in America.

MSNA is a fun-having, must-see juggernaut with a serious purpose.

MSNA has materials and a delivery mechanism for national uniformity.

MSNA is what America needs to start the resurgence to

Make America's School System Great Again.

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