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We NEED This Student Stimulus Plan, PRONTO !

Progressive Matriculation’s

Goal is not to place pressure on any student to over-indulge in academics nor speed them along before they’re mentally/emotionally prepared.

The goal is to untether those dedicated and focused students that are either unchallenged by the normal pace of their grade-level curriculum and/or trapped amongst unruly classmates.

Progressive Matriculation will also inspire the behaviorally challenged student to improve and focus. We’ll be energizing and exciting students to meet the teachers and community halfway in fixing America’s Education Situation by coming to class focused, motivated, prepared and enthused—perhaps in spite of any personal, external or family issues.

Progressive Matriculation is a U.S. Education Operations System Policy Overlay.

Progressive Matriculation is a Student Stimulus Plan designed to motivate and reward every student to reach his or her maximum effort.

Progressive Matriculation is the missing piece of the Operations Solution that modernizes and provides immediate, direct and personal benefit to the students.

The U.S. Education System was the Cadillac to the world until about 1990; Progressive Matriculation fine-tunes and supercharges the engine to this outdated, high carbon emission education vehicle from an operations policy standpoint.

The U.S. Education Operations System needs this major overhaul overlay to inspire students and produce graduates that will regain lead position and outpace the expanded global economic racetrack.

A Student Stimulus is what this problem of this magnitude and complexity calls for. All 3 stakeholder components have to be addressed concurrently and make no mistake about it; the student is the most important driver of the three.

If given the operational opportunity to compete and excel within themselves, America’s elementary and high school students will rise to the challenge and be in the pole position entering college to sustain America’s global Super Power status throughout the 21st century and beyond.

So, the sooner we upgrade the Operations horse & buggy to a Nascar, America's students can get back on the track and Climb Up to #1.

Boys and girls, start your engines!


7 Benefits of the CAP* Based


1. Vitalizes the U.S. Education System Operations Policy 2. Motivates & Focuses 4–8th Graders to advance up to 2 grade levels

3. Excites High School Students to progress 1-gradelevel

4. Supports & Reinforces the Efforts of all Stakeholders 5. Amends the Education Value Proposition

6. Stress Reduction and Job Satisfaction for Teachers

7. Uncomplicated System Integration, Implementation and Administration

* CAP – Conduct and Academic Proficiency Performance


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